Celebrate the Beauty of Diversity with Obagi | LovelySkin

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Celebrate the Beauty of Diversity with Obagi's SKINCLUSION Initiative

by Aaron|June 18, 2019
Celebrate the Beauty of Diversity with Obagi's SKINCLUSION Initiative

With over thirty years of dedication to diversity, Obagi takes their passion for inclusive beauty to the next level with the SKINCLUSION initiative. Joining with actor, producer, activist and now SKINCLUSION ambassador, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Obagi aims to further the dialogue surrounding unconscious bias with hopes of dispelling implicit attitudes and stereotypes. Long-time partners of Obagi, Dr. Joel Schlessinger and LovelySkin support their goal of making the world more conscious, fearless and beautiful.

What is the SKINCLUSION initiative, and how can I participate?

Obagi’s SKINCLUSION movement is one of action and conversation, as it provides a variety of outlets for those interested in participating. In an attempt to expand the inclusion efforts of the International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO) and Project Implicit, the SKINCLUSION initiative encourages everyone to:

  1. Visit skinclusion.com to view resources that can help individuals recognize and overcome unconscious bias, such as the Skin Tone Implicit Associate Test (IAT) and materials from the ICDO and Project Implicit.
  2. Join the conversation using #SKINCLUSION across social media to celebrate diversity by sharing why inclusion is important to you.
  3. Watch, like and share Priyanka’s SKINCLUSION video to spread the word.
  4. Follow Obagi’s social channels to stay up to date on the latest SKINCLUSION events and participate in challenges led by Priyanka and Obagi.

For every social action taken using #SKINCLUSION, Obagi will donate $1 to support the ICDO and Project Implicit with a maximum total donation of $150,000.

Believing diversity is what makes humanity beautiful, Priyanka commends Obagi’s dedication to the empowerment of all individuals—regardless of their skin tone. She also fully supports the Project Implicit Skin Tone online test for its ability to uncover unconscious bias and the resulting blind spots that divide people. She says, “I encourage everyone to learn about unconscious bias and take the Project Implicit Skin Tone online test. More than 22 million people have participated in Project Implicit’s online laboratory since its inception by Harvard researchers in 1998, and the results are truly enlightening.”

Priyanka’s admiration for Obagi also stems from their focus on providing effective formulas suitable for all six different skin types on the Fitzpatrick skin spectrum. The Fitzpatrick scale categorizes skin tones based on their response to the sun or ultraviolet light. The first medical skin care brand to design clinical research protocols that cover all six skin types, Obagi provides inclusive products (like Priyanka’s fave, the Professional-C line) that address the concerns of all individuals.

LovelySkin supports Obagi and the SKINCLUSION initiative

Board-certified dermatologist and CEO of LovelySkin, Dr. Schlessinger shares the passion Priyanka and Obagi have for diversity and inclusion. A part of his practice since 2002, Dr. Schlessinger has remained one of Obagi’s largest customers for over ten years. He frequently recommends the Obagi Nu-Derm System to his patients concerned with dark spots and the CLENZIderm products for those struggling with acne. He says:

"Obagi has been my 'go-to' for all skin types for two decades and there is a reason that it remains the gold standard. It has been tested over a range of skin types and conditions and always wins. The best thing about the Nu-Derm System is that it works better than any alternative and continues to deliver over time. Obagi Professional-C Serums are also unique products that separate Obagi from other brands. The sensory experience is wonderful!"

LovelySkin supports all involvement in Obagi’s initiative and its call for inclusivity. Remember to join the conversation using #SKINCLUSION across all social media platforms!

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About the Author

Aaron serves as Editor at LovelySkin. Since graduating from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 2016 with degrees in Creative Writing and English, he has immersed himself in the beauty industry. When he’s not writing about the latest beauty trends, he spends time cuddling his dogs, scouring antique stores, playing tennis and hiking.

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