Create Some Calm in Your Leap Day | LovelySkin™

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Create Some Calm in Your Leap Day

by Zach|February 24, 2016
An Extra 24 Hours to Simplify Your Space

What would you do with an extra 24 hours? Taking some time out of your busy Leap Day to relax, breathe and center yourself is important, and it’s easy to create a space that helps you achieve serenity.

Being mindful and focusing your positive energy can make you feel happier and healthier, and it’s easier to do this in a space that reflects your inner calm. With our busy lives, it’s easy for things to pile up and get cluttered, so take a few minutes to reorganize and find those things that truly make you happy. Simply put, living simply is the best way to understand what’s most important in your life and really relax!

Start small and aim big.

Even if it’s been a while since you organized, don’t start sweating. Just put on your favorite music and dedicate a few minutes to simplifying your space. Hold each item and ask yourself whether having it around on a daily basis makes you happy. If it’s the kind of thing you used once and didn’t like, give it to a friend or relative and really make their day! If you bought it a long time ago and never got around to using it, it might be time to find it a new home.

Easy come, easy go!

Next time you’re out shopping, pick up an item you want and think of one thing you own that you can donate to make way for it. If you can’t think of anything to part with, put that money you would have spent toward a special treat for yourself, like a nice dinner, spa day or vacation somewhere with warm sandy beaches. As long as you live by the rule of one item in, one item out, you won’t end up collecting things you may not need, and you’ll get to enjoy some nice perks in the process. Just be sure to send us a postcard!

These are just a few simple ways to declutter and simplify your living space, and it’s important to remember that happiness doesn’t stem from stuff. Real happiness comes from the experiences you share with the people you love and creating a space where you can find your inner peace.

We appreciate you spending even a little of your extra 24 hours here with us at LovelySkin, and remember you can always peruse the LovelySkin blog and video section for more helpful how-tos and recommendations to make the most of your skin care routine!

How will you simplify your life this Leap Day? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #LovelySkin!

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About the Author

Zach is a content writer at LovelySkin. He loves movies, sci-fi novels and helping people improve their skin.

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