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Skin Care

Glowing Winter Skin: Dry Skin Types Based On Where You Live

by Marie|January 12, 2016
10 Commandments for Glowing Winter Skin

While some of us are cursing winter as we shovel our sidewalks, others are dealing with the uncomfortable dry heat that winter brings. No matter where you live, winter wreaks havoc on your skin so follow these tips to achieve glowing winter skin.

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The Southwest Pacific

If you’re sitting on the beach in tropical Hawaii or southern California, you may not believe us when we tell you that you have to worry about dry skin in winter. Trust us, even in these tropical climates you’re exposed to factors that can dry out skin. The main culprit is the sun, which means sunscreen should be your BFF in winter. Wear a sunscreen such as Revision Skincare Intellishade Tinted Moisturizer SPF 45 that is tinted to give you an instant glow.

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The Desert

Anyone who lives in the Southwest doesn’t need us telling them about dry heat. They’re experts and they know that dry air = dry skin. These climates are notorious for pulling moisture out of anything they can, including skin. You can help replace lost moisture by using a product with hyaluronic acid such as Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Hyaluronic Moisture Cushion.

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The Subtropics

People from Florida may cringe when they hear the words “glowing winter skin” because they know it can easily turn into a shiny, oily mess. In this region, humidity is lower during the winter but there is still enough moisture in the air that it can cause problems. Use a product that hydrates but doesn’t feel like it’s going to melt off your face. LovelySkin LUXE Mattifying Antioxidant Moisturizer delivers hydration and prevents shine throughout the day.

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The Midwest

In the Midwest, temperatures and humidity drop to their lowest points during the winter. The cold, dry air can cause irritation, flaking and rough patches that make achieving glowing winter skin nearly impossible. The solution? FixMySkin Healing Body Balm Unscented with 1% Hydrocortisone, which heals skin and relieves itching, redness and inflammation. Apply this balm daily and you’re one step closer to glowing skin.

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The Northeast

Northeasterners usually spend winter buried under multiple feet of snow. They don’t mess around when it comes to moisturizers in winter and they need rich, thick formulas that keep skin hydrated for hours. ELEMIS Pro-Collagen Marine Cream Ultra-Rich replenishes the complexion. Plus, its anti-aging formula helps fade fine lines and wrinkles.

Find more products to give you glowing winter skin. Let us know in the comments where you live and how you deal with winter skin in your area?

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About the Author

Marie is a content writer and social media strategist who has worked at LovelySkin since 2012. She loves scouring the internet for the latest hair and makeup how-to videos and talking about her number one must-have skin care product - sunscreen!

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