Oops! You’ve accidentally dropped an eyeshadow, smashing it into a bunch of tiny powder pieces. With eye makeup prices ranging from $8 to $30, it’s hard to just toss a shattered shadow into the trash. Luckily, you don’t have to – repairing broken eyeshadow is easy. Follow these simple steps to find out how to fix broken eyeshadow, blush or pressed powder.
You’ll need:
- Rubbing alcohol
- A quarter
- A plastic bag or plastic wrap
- Something to smooth out the shadow (a small spatula or your finger will work)
- A straw
The steps:
- Smaller chunks tend to work better when repairing broken eyeshadow. If your powder is still in large pieces, smash it up a little bit so it will be easier to manipulate.
- Using the straw as a dropper, pick up a little of the rubbing alcohol and drop it into the shattered powder. Continue to add more rubbing alcohol until the shadow appears to be saturated.
- Take a small spatula, flat object or your finger and smooth out the mixture.
- Pick up the plastic wrap or bag and place it over the eyeshadow.
- To solidify broken eye makeup, you need to compact the powder. Find something that is slightly smaller than the shape of your shadow (in this case, a quarter is perfect) and place it over the plastic part. Apply firm pressure.
- Remove the plastic and the quarter, and then let the shadow sit for a few hours. Once it’s dry, it’ll be as good as new.
These steps work for more than just repairing broken eyeshadow. Follow this tutorial to patch up pressed powder, blush and bronzer in the same way. The process works for all colors and finishes, from pastel eyeshadows to rose-colored blushes.
Do you have any additional tips for how to fix broken eyeshadow? Share them below.
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