Find Out What Happened During our Facebook Chat with MEG 21 | LovelySkin™

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Find Out What Happened During our Facebook Chat with MEG 21

by Marie|July 30, 2015
MEG 21 Live Facebook Chat

The experts from MEG 21 visited LovelySkin to speak with us about their line of anti-aging products. While they were here, they also answered questions from our customers during a live Facebook Chat. Randi, a trainer from MEG 21, gave our fans recommendations on how to treat their skin concerns. 

The products in the MEG 21 line focus primarily on signs of aging, specifically those caused by a process known as glycation, which is an internal process that causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin. MEG 21 products prevent this breakdown with their patented ingredient, Supplamine. 

“Our patented Supplamine intercepts the factors that deteriorate collagen and elastin and inhibit their healthy, regular fibroblast activity,” Randi explains. “MEG 21 sets the healthiest environment for collagen and elastin to thrive and regenerate.”

Many of our fans asked which products they should use to fade lines and wrinkles and combat signs of aging. Randi recommends MEG 21 Smooth Radiance Advanced Formula or MEG 21 Smooth Radiance Face Treatment. Advanced Formula features the highest concentration of Supplamine and has a rich, creamy texture that is especially beneficial for the neck area.

Many fans also wanted to know how and when to add exfoliation to their routines. Randi explained that daily exfoliation with a gentle formula such as MEG 21 Moisturizing Toner can be beneficial for the complexion. 

“The formula helps regulate oil production and exfoliate dry, flaky skin so it is great for combination skin types,” Randi says. “If you are using a more aggressive exfoliator, you should only use it two to three times a week.”

During the chat, we gave away several MEG 21 products to some of our fans. Congratulations to the winners: Robin T., Vicki N., Renee D., Angela H., Victoria D. and Adrienne Z.! 

Find out when our next live chat will be by visiting our Facebook page.

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About the Author

Marie is a content writer and social media strategist who has worked at LovelySkin since 2012. She loves scouring the internet for the latest hair and makeup how-to videos and talking about her number one must-have skin care product - sunscreen!

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