Summer Skin Care Switch Up with Stemology | LovelySkin™

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Summer Skin Care Switch Up with Stemology

by Marie|April 25, 2017
8 Ways to Switch Up Your Summer Skin Care with Stemology

Lori Jacobus, CMO at Stemology, is here to explain how you should change up your skin care routine this summer.

All informed beauty junkies know that a season change means a skin care routine change. With summer just around the corner, the experts at Stemology Skincare are helping you determine which skin care products to keep in your routine, add to your routine, trade out for the season or toss all together. Get ready for your summer skin care switch-up!

1. Trade Out Your Cleanser

Trade out your hydrating cleanser for a foaming cleanser. Dry winter months are now behind us, so you can move on to a lighter cleanser with less hydrating properties. Look for one that has antibacterial ingredients, like our NanoSilver technology, to help avoid any breakouts from summer sweat and environmental pollutants. Our Stemology Cell Refresh Foaming Facial Wash is ideal for this time of year!

2. Keep Your Toner

Keep toner in your daily skin care routine. In summer, just as in the other seasons, your skin needs a “helper” to normalize pH levels and prepare it to receive corrective actives from your treatment products. Keep toning morning and night after cleansing, using a gel toner like our Stemology Cell Rescue Active Gel Toner.

3. Keep or Trade Out Your Facial Serum

Keep or trade out your facial serum, depending on what serum you are currently using. If your facial serum is heavy on the hydration scale, switch it up to a serum that still addresses your skin concerns but is light on the moisturizing scale. This will support the structure of skin’s collagen, which is greatly compromised by long days in the sun. Stemology Cell Revive Collagen Complete is the perfect serum for your summer skin care routine as it helps maintain the integrity of collagen, while providing just the right amount of moisture without over hydrating skin.

4. Keep Your Eye Serum

Keep your eye serum year round. Your eyes are the first place to show your age (along with your hands!) – via wrinkles, dark circles, crow’s feet and puffiness – and eye serums and creams are specifically formulated for the delicate skin around the eyes. Look for a complete formulation that addresses all aspects of eye care to fade signs of aging without endangering the fragile, sensitive skin of the orbital eye area.

5. Trade Out Your Moisturizer

Trade out your heavier winter moisturizer for a lighter summer one. Using a moisturizer that is too hydrating during the hot summer months can make your face feel sticky and can even cause breakouts. Switch to a lighter moisturizer or lotion that lightly hydrates skin and absorbs easily.

6. Keep/Toss Your SPF

Yes we said toss! The start of summer is the perfect time to toss your old sunscreens and buy new ones. Sunscreen shelf life varies depending on its ingredients. Check the date stamped on the packaging and if you can’t find it, a good rule of thumb is to toss out personal care products that have been open for a year or more. For optimal sun protection and to ensure sterility and stability, only use sunscreen prior to its expiration date.

7. Keep Your Mask

Keep using your mask weekly and, if your skin is on the oilier side during summer, you may want to increase the number of times you use it to two or three times per week. Look for a mask that contains ingredients that are enzymatic to keep skin healthy by exfoliating and deeply cleansing skin and pores.

8. Add a Scrub

Add a scrub to your skin care routine if you haven’t been using one already. Time spent at the beach, pool or lake can make skin dry. Remove the top layer of dead skin cells to reveal the healthy glow underneath with a good scrub.

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About the Author

Marie is a content writer and social media strategist who has worked at LovelySkin since 2012. She loves scouring the internet for the latest hair and makeup how-to videos and talking about her number one must-have skin care product - sunscreen!

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