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Why am I Still Breaking Out? How to Treat Adult Acne with CLn

by Marie|July 28, 2017
CLn acne products on a green background. Why am I Still Breaking Out? How to Treat Adult Acne with CLn

As much as we wish it did, acne does not end in your teenage years. Ashley Waite Vender with CLn Skin Care is here with tips on how to deal with adult acne.

What is adult acne and how do you treat it?

Acne can be a frustrating condition to deal with, even more so for adult sufferers who expected to “outgrow” the condition. The truth is, acne can affect a wide range of ages and some sources of acne actually become more prevalent in adults. It is well known that hormonal changes, environmental pollution and bacteria can cause acne, but stress—often worse in adulthood—is a key contributor to breakouts as well.

Many acne cleansers are designed for younger users who are more likely to have oily skin. Skin moisture naturally declines with age, and using too harsh of a cleanser can backfire. Harsh cleansers and astringents can strip skin of natural oils, leaving skin looking rough or flaky. Cleansers with low levels of salicylic acid are often better suited for adult use. CLn® Acne Cleanser has 0.5% salicylic acid in a formula preserved with sodium hypochlorite. It is designed to gently but effectively cleanse the skin and clear acne breakouts without over-drying. Unlike acne cleansers designed for use by teenagers, it won’t discolor clothing or towels.

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Adults, even those who suffer from acne, often benefit from a facial moisturizer. A lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer can help plump skin without clogging pores, making it look supple and rejuvenated. Smooth, hydrated skin also acts as a better canvas for those wishing to wear foundation or cover up over blemishes. CLn Facial Moisturizer is commonly recommended by dermatologists for adults fighting acne. Its nourishing formula absorbs quickly, reduces the appearance of redness and is calming to all skin types.

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Adult acne—with the right treatments—can be made a thing of the past. Share your adult acne fighting tips with us in the comments section below.

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About the Author

Marie is a content writer and social media strategist who has worked at LovelySkin since 2012. She loves scouring the internet for the latest hair and makeup how-to videos and talking about her number one must-have skin care product - sunscreen!

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