Find Out What Our Staffers are Doing to Maintain Healthy Skin in 2015 | LovelySkin™

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Skin Care

Find Out What Our Staffers are Doing to Maintain Healthy Skin in 2015

by Marie|December 31, 2014
Staff Skin Care Resolutions

Every year, people take advantage of the new year to change their habits, make healthy lifestyle choices and push themselves to try new things. Just as you change up your eating, exercising and spending habits, you can also take this opportunity to stick to a healthy skin care routine. Here are some resolutions that LovelySkin staffers are going to do in 2015. 

For some staffers, their resolutions are just about going back to the basics. 

“I plan to be more consistent with my routine,” says Rachel, Graphic Designer. “I tend to forget certain products and skip steps so I need to figure out what works best for my skin and stick with it.” 

Some of our resolutions are to be consistent with the basic rules of skin care. 

“My skin care resolution is to always remove my makeup before I go to bed,” says Erin, Customer Care Representative. “No more excuses or skipping out because I’m too lazy!

Another extremely important skin care rule some of us struggle to stick with is applying sunscreen every day. 

“In 2015, I am going to apply sunscreen to both my face and my hands every single day,” says Mandi, Graphic Designer. 

Preventative measures such as sunscreen are an important part of a skin care routine. While many of our younger staffers stick to a basic skin care regimen, skipping on anti-aging products can hurt them in the long run. 

“In the new year I am going to start adding products to my routines as a preventative measure,” says Brittany, Marketing Specialist. “I do not have visible fine lines and crow’s feet now but I am going to add an eye cream to my routine to keep my skin healthy.”

For those staffers who already have a basic routine down, adding new treatments to their regimen will help them take their routine to the next level.  

“I am going to add a face peel to my routine in the new year,” says Alonna, Web Designer. “Making an effort to receive a peel every few weeks will help me keep my complexion looking healthy and bright all year long.” 

“In the new year, I am going to add a mask to my routine,” says Apple, Front Desk Coordinator. “First I’ll have to find a mask that meets my needs and then I plan on using it as a bi-weekly treatment to keep my skin healthy.” 

What are your skin care resolutions for the new year? 

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About the Author

Marie is a content writer and social media strategist who has worked at LovelySkin since 2012. She loves scouring the internet for the latest hair and makeup how-to videos and talking about her number one must-have skin care product - sunscreen!

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