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Find Out About the Latest Technology in Hair Removal

by Stepha|June 11, 2015
The Right Hair Removal Method for You Part 2

Now that we’ve gone over some of our favorite methods for removing hair, we’ll continue Part 2 with options that tend to be explored a little less: depilatory creams, at-home hair removal devices and professional laser hair removal treatments. We hope we can help make your summer smoother than ever with these new ideas!

Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams remove unwanted hair at the skin’s surface, working to actually dissolve the proteins that make up each strand. If you struggle with ingrown hairs and razor burn from frequent shaving sessions, depilatory creams are a convenient alternative.

While there are formulas available for both the face and body, we are partial to this method for body hair. The legs, bikini line (not entire bikini area) and the underarms all respond well to creams. Try bliss ‘Fuzz’ Off Foam for Body, a fresh-scented foaming formula infused with nourishing extracts and skin-conditioning complexes.

TIP: To avoid irritation, follow the directions on the package carefully. Depilatory creams not only dissolve proteins in hair, they can dissolve skin cells, too. Apply the cream at the end of your bath or shower since hydrated hair dissolves more easily than dry hair.

At-Home Devices

At-home devices are a great way to take your hair removal routine to the next level and experience lasting results. They are a wonderful alternative for those who are interested in trying laser hair removal, but aren’t ready to make the time or the financial commitment. We must stress that at-home laser devices have the power to provide lasting, but not fast hair removal results. Most areas, aside from those sensitive areas such as the ears, neck and jawline can be treated, but for optimal hair removal, you’ll need to be diligent with treatments over a period of weeks. In other words, if you’re headed to the beach tomorrow, you’ll need to shave, wax or pluck your way to smooth, hair-free skin rather than rely on a device.

iluminage Touch – Permanent Hair Reduction uses Intense Pulsed Light and Radio Frequency energies to target unwanted hair. FDA-cleared for at-home safety, this device works to reduce hair over a period of six weeks and seven treatments with the occasional touch-up thereafter.

TIP: You can shave alongside treatment with your at-home device, and in fact, it is strongly encouraged. Add a device like the iluminage Touch into your routine at any time to elevate your shaving results, and be sure to follow the safety manual carefully.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a longer term professional method that uses precision lasers to target and destroy individual hair follicles. The beam of light is attracted to the dark hair in the follicle, so generally, laser hair removal works best for those who have light skin and dark hair. However, lasers are growing more and more sophisticated all the time, and newer techniques have proven successful for a wider range of hair colors and skin tones.

Nearly any area of the body can be treated with laser hair removal, including the chin, upper lip, legs, back and bikini area. Unwanted hair is usually addressed over a series of five to seven treatments spaced eight to twelve weeks apart. Maintenance treatments may be required to address regrowth.

There are many day spas now offering the procedure, as well as many offices dedicated solely to the practice of laser hair removal. To receive the best care, we recommend seeking the advice and treatment of a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon.Check out some of Dr. Schlessinger's excellent laser hair removal results from Skin Specialists P.C. of Omaha here.

TIP: If you and your physician agree that laser hair removal is right for you, take extra care to apply and reapply sunscreen to treated areas. Skin can grow sensitized following the procedure, and sunscreen will keep you comfortable and protected.

Do you have a question about depilatory creams, at-home devices or professional laser hair removal? Let us know in the comments section.

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About the Author

Stepha is a copywriter at LovelySkin. She loves poetry, baking and experimenting with new makeup.

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