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Skin Care

The Do's and Don'ts of Mustaches

by Stepha|November 11, 2013
The Do’s and Don’ts of Mustaches

November is the kickoff for the month-long charity event “Movember,” a fundraiser for men’s health causes such as prostate and testicular cancer. During this time, men grow mustaches to boost awareness of these issues around the world. If you or someone close to you are participating in Movember 2013, send them this handy guide to ensure they have a super ‘stache.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Mustaches


1.)  Do allow it to grow. If you’re starting your mustache growth at the beginning of November, you’ll want to allow it to gain as much traction as you can to ensure the best result by the end of the month. Trim the shape to keep it neat, but leave the length as much as possible. For the easiest transition, let the rest of your facial hair grow as well. When you have enough hair for a workable mustache, you can shave the beard off.

2.) Do condition and hydrate.

 Facial hair has a tendency to draw moisture from the skin, so ward off dryness with a lightweight moisturizer. We like the Jack Black MP 10 Nourishing Oil because it penetrates quickly and doubles as a mustache grooming aide.

3.) Do style it.

 Investing in a good comb and styling wax is key if you’re planning on growing out your ‘stache. Keep it free of debris and held in place for a clean, well-groomed look.

4.) Do switch up your cleanser.

 A caustic cleanser that’s packed with acids can make your mustache look lighter and feel stiffer. Pick up a gentler cleanser with less abrasive ingredients, like this one from June Jacobs. 


1.) Don’t use an electric razor.

Electric razors can spell danger for detailed mustache grooming. If you need to tidy up your facial hair, opt for simple scissors or a manual razor that offers precision and control, like this one from The Art of Shaving.

2.) Don’t pet your mustache.

 Not only is it a bit pretentious, but continually touching that area can get bacteria in your pores, cause ingrown hairs and make your mustache look greasy or oily. Not a good look!

3.) Don’t opt for novelty styles.

 If you’re sporting your mustache for Movember, it’s alright to choose an outlandish hairstyle to draw attention to the cause. If you’re still hanging on to a too-skinny pencil ‘stache or an overgrown cowboy style during the other 11 months of the year, you may want to reconsider your mustache grooming habits. 

Do you know someone with a great mustache? What are your tips for the do’s and don’ts of mustaches?

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About the Author

Stepha is a copywriter at LovelySkin. She loves poetry, baking and experimenting with new makeup.

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