How to Create the Perfect Lips | LovelySkin Makeup Tutorial | LovelySkin™
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How to Create the Perfect Lips

Emphasize your pout with these lip-shaping tips.

How to Shape Your Lips

Video Summary

Hi, guys. Welcome back. My name's Kristen and I'm an aesthetician here at LovelySkin. On today's tutorial we're going to be talking about how to shape our lips. 

How we're going to be starting is you want to take any foundation that you have, any type of concealer. You want to open that up, put a little bit on the back of your hand like that, and you want to just basically start a primer for your lips. Then just put a little bit on your lips like that. And just make sure that you're blending everything in with your finger so you're covering the whole lip.

Then you want to take any kind of lip liner that we have. This is what's going to create the fullness of your lips. You want to start off applying the lip liner to the bottom part of your lip. So there's the bottom part of your lip. So now you want to work on your upper lip. You're wanting to create an X on your Cupid's bow, which is right here. All right, and then you want to start filling in the rest of your lip. Okay, so then after your whole lip is lined you just want to start filling the rest of them in with the pencil. All right, just like that. And the nice thing about using a lip liner is it's going to allow the lipstick to sit there all day long. 

So, next you want to take your lipstick. You can either apply it with a brush or if you're doing it at home you can just put it straight on, whatever you prefer. Perfect. Just rub it in.

To create more of a pouty look, what I like to do is just take any kind of cream-based, colored or white eyeshadow. Just put a little bit on the tip of your finger and just put it in the center of your lips. Kind of rub it in after you do it and it creates that kind of nice, pouty look.

All right, guys, so that's it. You can find all of our products that we used here today on our tutorial at the LovelySkin retail store or you can go to Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye guys. Shop the look here.

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Commented By
Swanzi - June 13, 2015

That was an easy and really good tutorial. I have been doing lips for over 40 yrs now and even I learned something new. Thank you.


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