Which PMD Disc is Right for You? | LovelySkin
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Which PMD Disc is Right for You?

Each kit of discs includes 6 replaceable discs and 1 black o-ring. Choose your desired microdermabrasion level based on the helpful color-coded levels—for use on the face choose from white for the least intense to red for most intense; for the body, choose black to yellow.

Which PMD Disc is Right for You?

Video Summary

PMD Beauty discs provide different levels of exfoliation, and are color-coded to help you find the right one for you.

The pmd disc levels are:

  • White: For ultra-sensitive skin
  • Gray: Sensitive or delicate skin
  • Blue: For sensitive skin, but a step up for those who have used the gray disc a few times
  • Green: Normal skin
  • Orange: High exfoliation, meant to be used once per week
  • Red: Normal or coarse skin, for those who have used the device for a while
  • Black: Body only; specifically the hands and knees
  • Yellow: Highest level of exfoliation for the body; for users who have used the device for a while

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